Editorial Guidelines

New Money Insider Editorial Ethics and Guidelines are remodeled after the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Code of Ethics

This document serves as a guide for New Money Insider writers, editors, and contributors. The purpose of making this document public is to make New Money Insider writers, editors, and contributors accountable to our readers.

Accuracy and Diligence

• Commitment to Fact-Checking and Verification

We are committed to thorough verification of all information, recognizing accuracy as the foundational principle of journalism. Our dedication to fact-checking is unwavering, regardless of the relentless pace of the news cycle. Efforts to confirm the credibility of our sources and the authenticity of their information are paramount.

• Maintenance of Original Context and Tone in Quotations

We ensure that quotations are presented in their true context, preserving the speaker's intended tone without altering the essence of their message. Acknowledgment of the original sources is standard practice when stories enter the public domain, ensuring proper credit is given where due.

• Attribution to Original Sources for Public Domain Stories

Originality in our reporting is crucial; thus, we avoid plagiarism by crediting or rephrasing content borrowed from other outlets. We hold ourselves accountable for our work, promptly addressing and correcting any inaccuracies.

• Original Reporting Emphasized; Plagiarism Strictly Avoided

Our policy against retracting published content is firm, with exceptions made only for significant errors, ethical concerns, or legal constraints.

• Swift Correction of Inaccuracies with Transparency

We stress the fact that we are all humans working out here, and we may make mistakes. Therefore, we encourage our readers to point out our mistakes and inaccuracies so that we can rectify them at the earliest possible with complete transparency and accountability.


• Respect for Individual Rights and Response Opportunities for Criticized Parties

We uphold the dignity and rights of individuals featured in our stories, providing a platform for response to those accused or critiqued.

• Avoidance of Irrelevant Personal Details and Rejection of Stereotypes and Biases

Our approach avoids unnecessary mention of personal characteristics - such as race, age, and gender - irrelevant to the story, steering clear of stereotypes and biases.

• Non-Payment for Information; Transparency in Compensating for Materials or Expertise

We maintain journalistic integrity by not compensating for information, though we may pay for material contributions or expert insights, always disclosing such transactions.

Journalistic Independence

• Upholding Democracy and Public Interest, Defying External Pressures

Our reporting serves the democratic interest and the public good, often navigating conflicts with external pressures from sources, governments, businesses, advertisers, and other parties. We champion the free exchange of information, standing firm against undue influence.

• Rejecting Gifts to Prevent Conflicts of Interests and Unbiased Reporting

Acceptance of gifts or special treatment is strictly regulated to prevent any compromise of our impartiality. Our coverage remains free from personal or financial conflicts, ensuring our reports are unbiased and independent.

Transparency and Accountability

• Journalist Transparency, Careful Use of Anonymous Sources, and Diversity in Viewpoints

Our commitment to transparency involves clear identification as journalists, judicious use of anonymous sources, and explicit explanations of our reporting methods. We strive for inclusivity, reflecting diverse perspectives in our coverage.

• Separating News from Opinion, and Quick Error Corrections

Accountability to the public is paramount; we differentiate clearly between news and opinion, ensuring our audience can distinguish factual reporting from commentary.

Ethical Considerations in Digital Media

• Ethical Online Content Standards and Thoughtful Content Modification Decisions

The ethical standards guiding our journalism extend to digital platforms, with a focus on accuracy, credibility, and fairness in online content. We navigate the complexities of digital publishing with caution, mindful of the permanence and impact of online information.

• Transparent Rectification of Online Errors

Corrections of online errors are made transparently, and decisions to alter or remove content are taken with serious consideration of ethical and public interest factors.

Engagement and Ethics in Online Spaces

• Responsible Social Network Use for Research, and Online Information Verification

We engage with social networks responsibly, understanding their value in gathering information while emphasizing the need for verification.

• Awareness of the Public Nature of Personal Online Activity

Personal online activities of our team are conducted with awareness of their public nature and potential impact on professional credibility.

Our journalistic principles guide our commitment to integrity, fairness, and accuracy across all mediums, ensuring the trust and reliance of our audience.